this week, I wrote about a nostalgia for school days revived by the approach of
autumn. For gardeners, fall brings another revival of interest – the arrival of
spring bulb catalogues! Some of these even include listings for perennials and
woody plants. Fall rivals spring as a time for these plantings. And in Texas,
fall is a second, in some ways better, spring. The scorching heat relents, but
leaves us two, even three more months of frost-free time to enjoy our gardens.
And of course, to read about them. To celebrate this autumn revival, I’m
posting short reviews of two gardening books I’ve loved – an old favorite and
one that’s not new, but new to me. Happy reading, happy gardening!
of: Passalong Plants
Steven Bender and Felder RushingPublisher: The University of North Carolina Press
Source: Dallas Public Library
Grade: A

the writing is a little folksy for my taste (and sometimes unabashedly
politically incorrect), but it vibrates with the voices of the writers. Writing
alternately (and part of the fun is figuring out whether a particular section
was written by Bender or Rushing), they describe scores of ornamental plants
that abound in old-fashioned southern gardens, but may be difficult to locate
through commercial sources. Luckily, they list mail-order sources, and in fact,
since the book’s publication in 1993, far more are available even from walk-in
that a major reason plants become passalongs is their ease of propagation. I
was relieved that Bender and Rushing don’t look down on the favorite
propagation method of this not always energetic gardener – rooting cuttings in
water. And to learn how many plants I haven’t yet tried water-rooting on are
more than amenable to the tactic. (Hold on a minute while I dash out back to
grab the few remaining stems of white datura that survived last winter’s first
surprisingly hard freeze and stick them in the nearest glass jar I can find.
But not a jar I’ll use for putting up jelly – all parts of the beautiful,
fragrant-flowered datura are toxic!)
I occasionally
shuddered at Passalong Plants’ paeans
to plants that have become horribly invasive in mild-climate areas: Chinese
tallow tree, sweet autumn clematis, loosestrife, Chinaberry tree. At least they
come with warnings about their rampant natures.
plenty of gorgeous photos taken by the gardeners themselves and a foreword by
another favorite gardening author, the late Allen Lacy, and it’s a must even
for gardeners who’ve ever set foot south of the Mason-Dixon line.
of: A Southern Garden: A Handbook for the
Middle South
Elizabeth LawrencePublisher: The University of North Carolina Press
Source: Personal collection
Grade: A

then, I never pass by a used bookstore without checking for any of the
too-short list of Lawrence’s books. A long-time garden columnist for the Charlotte (North Carolina) Observer, Lawrence was the first woman
to receive a degree in landscape architecture from the University of North
Carolina. Less often mentioned among her writing credentials is her degree from
Barnard College in New York, but her education there informs her writing as
much as her passion for plants. Even the limited number of black and white
photo illustrations can’t diminish the exquisite descriptiveness of Lawrence’s
used her own gardens (first in Raleigh, then in Charlotte) as testing grounds
for her landscape design work, giving her discussion of plants a hands-on
credibility. A Southern Garden
(actually applicable to any gardens in USDA Zone 8), is arranged
chronologically by season, and contains extensive notes on blooming dates, updated
material, and lists of nurseries (some, alas, no longer in existence).
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